If you're in person or on the phone, it's easier to understand the meaning behind the words. You can listen to inflection or watch body language to decide if the person is angry, indifferent, etc.
But how do you figure out the true intent of a message when it's written in your copy.
We've got some tips on how to write using the "force." In this case, we'll look at how to write a sales email.
But we aren't talking about young LUKE Skywalker and writing like a Jedi. We're talking Annakin (aka Darth Vader, Luke's Dad) and writing like a Sith-Lord.
There's one, short and simple piece of marketing copy that gets overlooked or glossed over. It's one of the best tools you can have for networking and for prospects. What is it?...
The sales page is one of the most important, and most difficult, pieces of copy to write. For a business, it is the make or break area for converting leads into sales.
Old fashioned salesmanship is king here, and no amount of digital-age "magic" can replace it. So how do you go about getting the best response from your copy?