Bio HAZARD: Why A Low (or NO) Profile Can Mean Missed Opportunities

Small business owners spend a lot of time focusing on writing. Website content, blogs, email marketing campaigns, sales never seems to end.
But there's one, short and simple piece of marketing copy that gets overlooked or glossed over. It's one of the best tools you can have for networking and for prospects. What is it?
It's your bio.
So often people will either skip writing a bio altogether or write the least amount possible. Sometimes it's because we don't like to talk about ourselves in general. Sometimes it doesn't seem as important as our product or service. So we skip over it and go straight to what we are selling.
Other times we write a bio on social media or our About section on a website...and then never look at it again. There are profiles and bios that haven't changed once in 20 years!
So what makes a bio so important in business?
  • It's versatile. You can use it in place of a resumé and focus on only the important positions or accomplishments.
  • It's your in-depth "business" card for prospects that reach your landing page and want to know who you are.
  • It is a quick and handy "go-to" for press releases and when you're doing a speaking engagement, event , or podcast.
  • It is both informative and offers personal insight when using it in a business proposal.
  • Finally, it establishes your creditability and expertise. It's an easy way for prospective clients and referrals to learn how (and if) you can help them.
So what are the things you should...and shouldn' when creating your bio?
  1. Be Consistent: Whether it's your website or your Facebook profile, you want to keep it the same. Different platforms have different feels, but your message should tell the same story. You don't want customers guessing who you are and what you do. Drive your point home in each place.
  2. Don't tell; SHOW: People want to know you're the expert at what you do so you can help them. But telling them isn't going to make them believe it. You have to show them through examples of work and accomplishments. For example, if you got the award in 2020 as the top cheeseburger producer in Akron, list it.
  3. But Don't Treat It As A Simple List: Your bio is so much more than a list of jobs, awards, and degrees you hold. It's a place where you can show what you're passionate about or what your brand's mission is about. You can talk about community involvement and what you care about. You can share exciting news, a bit of humor, or a personalized bit. Be careful not to get TOO personal with your business bio. You want to maintain a professional appearance.
  4. Include SEO keywords and phrases: Including these in your bio enhance visibility. It makes your search rank higher and drives more traffic to your website.
  5. Include links to websites and social media accounts: And phone numbers and emails too! Your customers should never have to go searching for how to connect with you. Don't copy and paste long URL links. Instead, shorten your links with owly, bitly, or include one link that connects them all in the linktree app.
  6. Don't forget the Call-to-Action: Your bio is a great way to tell prospective clients what you want. For example, you could tell them to "click here for a free gift" or "call now to schedule a consultation". Regardless of what you want them to do, a clear directive in your bio will generate more traffic. That means more leads and more conversions.
  7. Update your bio with frequency: You should be changing things up at least every 6 months. Refresh things by changing your profile picture or listing new projects or accomplishments. Don't keep showing off that headshot from the 70s and talking about things you did 20 years ago. Prospects want to know what you can do for them here in the present. Let them know what you're doing here and now.