When I decided to launch a freelance copywriting and editing business during a pandemic everyone thought I was crazy.  The question that kept coming up was “why now?”.  My answer was always the same...”why not?”  The lockdowns and restrictions gave me a lot of time to think about the things I miss: the activities, the faces, the small businesses that I know and love that have struggled or been forced to shut down.  What could I do to help change that and somehow bridge the gap?

C3 Specialties came from that longing for connection and that desire to help.  How can a copywriter be what people and businesses need during these crazy times?

People love a good story.  That’s what good copywriting does...it tells a story.  For businesses, that means sharing the story of your brand that gets people engaged and interested.  Copywriting captures a brand’s voice and shares it in a way that is both entertaining and informative.  Being able to capture that voice and share it in a conversational and compelling way is so important when trying to stay in touch with your customers.

    Connections.  I honestly believe artificial intelligence will never truly take over everything because people long for real, personal connections.  That’s what a copywriter does.  We connect people.  When you can’t talk face to face, you need to rely on good old fashioned writing to communicate.  Not everyone is good at that.  That’s why what we do at C3 Specialties is crucial to your business.  We take your ideas and information and give it a personal touch, so that customers connect with you and your brand.  We develop and continue the “friendship” between your business and your customer base.

      Every business needs a good copywriter...and I do mean EVERY business.  Especially now with limited social gatherings, you can’t promote your brand in person.  You’ve got great ideas and great products, but without a great message to deliver, customer engagement will suffer.  Those lack of engagements mean a lack of sales and revenue for you and your brand.  Anybody can write something, but is it compelling?  Does it deliver actionable results?  Copywriting isn’t just about writing words.  It’s hours of research on you and your brand.  It’s listening and understanding who you are and what you’re about.  Once we understand you and your brand inside and out, then we can create language that your customers will respond to.

        So now is the PERFECT time for me to launch this business dream.  We need each other more than ever.  C3 Specialties isn’t just Creative Copy Content.  The 3 Cs also stand for Caring Community Connections.  We’re ready to help you get that personal connection once again.

        Best regards,

        Sheral ~ Founder/C3 Specialties