The 411 On Your Business FAQ: Do These Questions Matter?

How often have you gone to a website and had a question about a product only to discover there were no answers? You don't buy and leave the site frustrated because you don't have the information you needed.
Unfortunately, many businesses owners treat their FAQ section as an afterthought. Some skip it completely.
But is a Frequently Asked Questions section that important to your business website?
You bet it is!
When done right, an FAQ page is a great tool to drive more traffic, convert more sales, and save time in your business.
Drive More Traffic To Your Website:

A well-written FAQ will make use of your best SEO keywords and phrases for your business. You'll get a boost in your search engine ranking when you include them into your page content.

Convert More Sales:

If someone is reading your FAQ page, there's a good chance they're trying to decide if they want to buy from you. You can overcome a lot of objections by providing answers to their biggest questions. Look over emails from customers, or research on Reddit for the most asked questions. Use those topics as the basis for your questions and answers.

By providing those answers, you position yourself as an expert in the field. It also helps establish trust by showing transparency about your product or service. You may also be able to change any negative perceptions customers might have. Your answers in the FAQ can serve as an educational tool pointing out the value you offer.

Saves You Time:

Your FAQ page is one of places on your website a customer will explore. When written well, it will help them find answers to questions they would email or call you to find out. Those calls and emails take time away from all the other jobs you have to do in your business.
Tips For Improving Your FAQ Page
There are a few simple steps you can take to make your FAQ page more effective and user friendly.
  • Group questions with similar topics together.
  • Start with your most basic questions first, and then progress to more specific topics.
  • Link answers to blog posts and videos. This provides customers with extra resources for answers and information. Plus it drives more traffic to those pages and increases search engine rank.
  • Keep the answers easy to read. Don't use jargon or technical terms. Think about how your customer would ask the question and speak the same way. Make sure to keep things clear and concise.
  • Use a Call To Action so customers know how to contact you if they have questions that your FAQ does not answer.
The next time you find yourself asking how you can increase your sales, the answer might be on your FAQ page!